Thursday, April 11, 2013

Father - Daughter Relationship (Part 2)

If you didn't get to read the first part, see it HERE

I am ever thankful for the kind of Father I have. He always leaves me with clues on how to get back to Him. I found a trail mark in my path, a folded piece of paper. I picked it up, unfolded it and read it. The words in it brought tears to my eyes. It read: “If I confess my sins, He is faithful and just to forgive my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.” I jumped with joy after reading it, because those were no doubt my Fathers words. I have heard Him say them time and time again. At this point, I knew I was definitely on the right path back to His arms, so I began to walk as fast as my legs would carry me. On my way I saw so many things, this time my eyes were really open and able to discern what was right and what was purely evil. I began to sing songs to my Father, songs that praise His name. I even made up new songs, LOL. It got to a point where I was singing, but couldn't understand the words I was saying. Strange, almost like speaking in tongues but with rhythm. The songs made me feel at peace, it made my spirit soar, so I kept singing. After walking a while, I saw another folded piece of paper. I picked it up and read it: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving for the Lord is good.” I picked up my pace. I knew He was waiting for me. I was so excited I couldn't wait to get back into His embrace.

Photo credit:

I then came across a group of ladies seated in a circle, like in some kind of meeting. I passed them by, not wanting to be distracted anymore, but I heard them talking about my Father. I quickly turned around and went over to them. They welcomed me into their circle with loving embrace. We sat together and we discussed my Father’s words, our Father’s words. They knew Him well. It made my spirit joyful. I told them my story and they encouraged me to continue on my journey. I bade them farewell, to return again after I have met with my Father. I saw another folded piece of paper: “Who shall separate me from the love of Christ? NOTHING!! I gave my only Son just for you.” After a few distances, I got to the end of the road, and found a scroll that read: “My rod and staff comfort you. I anoint your head with oil, your cup runs over. Come boldly unto the throne of grace, and obtain mercy. My goodness and mercy follows you. Call on me and I will answer you. I will rescue you and throw you a party.” I was so overwhelmed by all the LOVE He still had for me even after I had let go of His hands. I began to prepare for the party that awaited me. I look up and I couldn't believe what my eyes met……… (To be continued).

Written by: Amaka Ezeugwa
Edited by: Adaobi Gbugu


Anonymous said...

Wow, very interesting. Nice one, keep it up.

Anonymous said...

i love dis work.God bless the works of ur hands

Unknown said...

Amen! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)